Mullin, Colleagues Introduce Resolution Condemning Any Action By The Biden Administration To Withhold Ammunition Or Weapons For Israel

U.S. Senators Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Katie Britt (R-AL), Ted Budd (R-NC), Susan Collins (R-ME), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Jim Risch (R-ID), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and John Thune (R-SD) introduced a Senate resolution that condemns any action by the Biden Administration to withhold or restrict ammunition or weapons for Israel.

The resolution is cosponsored by a total of 48 Republican senators.

“No one told America how to respond to terrorists after 9/11. Biden’s decision to withhold arms to our ally, Israel, is political and extremely dangerous. I’m glad to join my colleagues in condemning this decision and reminding the president that protecting Israel is in our U.S. national security interest,” said Senator Mullin.

“If President Biden continues with his decision to withhold or restrict ammunition and weapons to Israel, he and his administration will have destroyed the last, best chance to build on the Abraham Accords and bring peace to the Middle East for generations. Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran are dedicated to wiping the Jewish people and the State of Israel off the face of the Earth. What is the proper response for Israel, as they defend themselves from these lethal threats? They have to fight, and fight hard. The United States must never turn its back on Israel. I urge President Biden to change course immediately. The last thing we want to do is to reward terrorists – who violate international norms by weaponizing hospitals, mosques and schools – by blaming the victim of the terrorist attack, not the terrorists. If this policy holds, terrorists will get the message loud and clear that if they exploit civilians in this manner, terrorists will get a pass and their victims will be punished,” said Senator Graham.

“After World War II, we as Americans said, ‘Never Again.’ Today, President Biden’s dithering doctrine of appeasement and legacy of weakness threaten to break that promise,” said Senator Katie Britt. “This Administration is turning its back on Israel — and at the worst possible time. As Israel works to secure the release of the hostages — including American citizens — still held by Hamas in Gaza, President Biden has undermined Israel and empowered Hamas. We must stand unequivocally with Israel as she fights to end Hamas’ reign of terror and ensure there is never another October 7,” said Senator Britt.

“President Biden’s decision to withhold critical ammunition to Israel is a total betrayal of our friend and ally. Israel is in a fight for survival against genocidal Hamas terrorists. These same Hamas terrorists currently hold 8 American citizens hostage, including North Carolina native, Keith Siegel. The best way we can bring them home is by increasing military pressure on Hamas. But by withholding lethal aid, President Biden is telling Hamas to stall, hold out, and continue their campaign of terror. Bottom line: President Biden is making it harder to secure the hostages’ freedom,” said Senator Budd.

“It’s now plain what we suspected all along: Joe Biden’s de facto position is for a Hamas victory over Israel. Israel’s goal is simple: rescue the hostages—including American hostages and destroy Hamas to get justice for the worst atrocity against Jews since World War II and to prevent the next atrocity,” said Senator Cotton.

“The Biden White House has been the most anti-Israel administration we have ever seen, and its foreign policy is precisely backwards. They have intentionally enabled the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza with the knowledge that those taxpayer dollars would directly fund Hamas terrorists at the same time they have systematically undermined our Israeli allies since day one. The United States position should be to fully support Israel’s campaign to utterly eradicate Hamas,” said Senator Cruz. 

“I just returned from Israel, and it’s clear America’s leadership at this moment is imperative. Our servicemembers are under attack by Iran-backed proxies and our citizens are held captive by Hamas. The last thing we need is a president who waffles in his support for our ally, but we have one who has broken his “ironclad” promise by withholding weapons from Israel. These are the precision tools needed to target Hamas and protect civilians. We already have the mouthpieces of Hamas here at home, violently ‘protesting’ on college campuses – we don’t need it in the White House. It’s clear we need new leadership,” said Senator Ernst.

“We are standing with Israel in their fight to decimate Hamas terrorists and will not turn our backs on them. President Biden’s decision to delay aid shipments to Israel at this critical time demonstrates how much the Democrats have surrendered to the pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist faction of their party. Biden has shown that he would rather posture for votes in the upcoming election than honor America’s longstanding commitment to our greatest ally in the Middle East. In the absence of this Administrations leadership, I’m proud to join my colleagues in demanding this president carry out his duty to deliver the aid to Israel,” said Senator Marshall.

“President Biden’s clear threat to Israel, made on network television, made it obvious that he and his administration are more concerned with pacifying anti-Israel, and often anti-Semitic, sentiment among potential voters than with supporting our close partner during a critical time of need. President Biden has given Hamas the greatest victory it could hope for; he has driven a wedge between the United States and Israel, and American allies and partners are watching our government’s behavior closely,” said Senator Risch.

“I’m sure Hamas is very happy with the Biden Administration’s decision to restrict U.S. ammunition and weapons shipments to Israel. This is not the way we treat an ally who is fighting an existential threat. This is not some dispute over a border. This is not two countries fighting over an oil field. This is a terrorist group that just six months ago, murdered, raped, and kidnapped civilians. Their reason for existence is the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. So, when we don’t help Israel publicly, we’re encouraging their enemies,” said Senator Rubio.

“The Biden administration’s decision to freeze weapons delivery to Israel jeopardizes not only Israel’s security, but our reputation as a reliable ally. The United States must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East, and stop the administration from forcing them to fight with one hand tied behind their back,” said Senator Thune.

The resolution:

  • Condemns any decision by the Biden Administration to halt the shipment of United States made ammunition and weapons to the State of Israel
  • Demands that the Biden Administration continue to fulfill the military aid requests from the State of Israel in order to provide the weapons needed to defeat Hamas and defend against attacks from the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies
  • Reaffirms the importance of the long history of the United States providing military aid to the State of Israel and willingness to expedite delivery of such aid in times of crisis
  • Upholds the commitment of the United States to the State of Israel’s security and long-term prosperity

The resolution is also cosponsored by U.S. Senators John Barrasso (R-WY), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Boozman (R-AR), Mike Braun (R-IN), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), John Cornyn (R-TX), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Steve Daines (R-MT), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Josh Hawley (R-MO), John Hoeven (R-ND), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Ron Johnson (R-WI), John Kennedy (R-LA), James Lankford (R-OK), Mike Lee (R-UT), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Eric Schmitt (R-MO, Rick Scott (R-FL), Tim Scott (R-SC), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), J.D. Vance (R-OH), Roger Wicker (R-MS), and Todd Young (R-IN).

Full text of the resolution can be found HERE.
