The Blessing of Adoption

Giving one’s life to the Lord means walking in the path He has set for us. It’s not always easy but trusting in God’s sovereign plan for our lives will always bless us beyond measure. Our family is proof of this. 

Christie and I always wanted to be parents. While we struggled for seven years to get pregnant with our son, Jim, we knew we would have been happy with just one child if that’s what the Lord saw fit. Fast forward 26 years of marriage later, we are the proud parents of six beautiful children.

We didn’t know when our family was complete, but God did. In 2013, we went from a family of five to a family of seven when we adopted our twin daughters, Ivy and Lynette. In August of 2019, we welcomed our son Jayce into our home, completing our incredible family of eight.

November is National Adoption Month and November 23rd is National Adoption Day. My family is what it is today because of the blessing of adoption. Christie and I are honored to have the opportunity to share our story and spread awareness about adoption, as well as the ways one can support Oklahoma’s adoption and foster care system.

As the Lions Meadows of Hope Family Center in Stillwater, Oklahoma says: “There are no unwanted children, just unfound families.” There are currently almost 8,000 children in the custody of Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS). Last year, there were 1,353 adoptions finalized in Oklahoma. While this is exciting news, there are still many children in need of a loving home.

I understand that not everyone is called to adopt. Luckily, there are many other ways to support Oklahoma’s adoption and foster care system. Whether volunteering with Oklahoma Human Services’ “Be A Neighbor” program, becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), or providing temporary respite care for foster families in need – there’s no gesture too small when it comes to caring for foster and adoptive youth. Further, if you are interested in becoming a foster or adoptive parent, Oklahoma Fosters, a recruitment organization that partners with OKDHS, can help.

If our family hadn’t placed trust in the Lord’s Provision, we would have missed out on three of the greatest blessings in our lives. Christie and I thank God every day for our beautiful family and for the children He has entrusted in our care. 

